Animal Welfare Division

Animal Welfare is a division of the Waukomis Police Department and is a matter of public safety. 


What We Do


We provide immediate response to emergencies concerning animals within city limits to attempt apprehension (in a safe, humane manner) of any dog, cat or other domestic animal or fowl that becomes a nuisance or is a threat or danger to any resident in Waukomis.


License Required

  • All dogs over the age of six months require a City ID tag.
  • Submit a current rabies certificate to the Waukomis City Hall



Reporting Dangerous Animals

To report an animal that poses immediate and imminent danger to the public, PLEASE CALL 911. A law enforcement officer will be dispatched and if necessary, the officer will request an Animal Control Officer.

Reporting Stray Animals

To report a stray animal, animal neglect or animal abuse, please call Animal Control at 580-758-3242 or complete the form below.




Online Dog registration 





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Dangerous Dog Registration Form
dangerous dog reg.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [134.5 KB]

Get in Touch


Town Of Waukomis
121 S Main St
PO Box 785
Waukomis, 73773

580-758-3242 opt 2


In case of an emergency please dail 911

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