Court Administration manages all activities related to the Waukomis Municipal Court. The department is responsible for all citations issued for violations of city ordinances by police, code, and animal control departments, as well as those complaints alleged by private citizens. Municipal court is held on the third Tuesday of every month at 4:00 pm in the City Hall court room.
Information on paying citation
How can I pay for my traffic ticket and other fines and costs?
1. You can come in and pay your citation in person at 121 S. Main Street Waukomis, Ok 73773
2. You can make a payment over the phone with a debit/credit card at 1-800-444-1187 you will need the amount of your ticket and your citation number.
3. You may also go online to and pay your ticket with a debit/credit card. You will need the amount of your ticket and your citation number. Online Traffic Payment
4. Citation number can be located on the top right corner of the citation, while the bond amount or fine is located on the top of the back of the citation.
¿Cómo puedo pagar mi ticket de tráfico y otras multas y costos?
1. usted puede venir y pagar su citación en persona en 121 S. Main Street Waukomis, OK 73773
2. usted puede hacer un pago por teléfono con una tarjeta de débito/crédito a las 1-800-444-1187 necesitará el monto de su boleto y su número de citación.
3. también puede ir en línea a y pagar su boleto con una tarjeta de débito/crédito. Necesitará el monto de su billete y su número de citación. Pago de tráfico en línea
4. el número de citación puede estar situado en la esquina superior derecha de la citación, mientras que la cantidad de la fianza o multa se encuentra en la parte superior de la parte posterior de la citación.
Nuestra corte se celebra el 3er martes de cada mes a las 4:00p.m.
If you fail to appear on your court date or comply with the court's orders, the municipal court judge can issue a warrant for your arrest. Once a warrant is issued, if you are stopped by an officer for any reason, the officer will arrest you and take you into custody.
Below is a list of people with outstanding warrants. We realize that there may be many people who have forgotten about their outstanding tickets and encourage them to contact the court clerk to get this matter cleared up before they are arrested.
The warrants listed on this site are for informational purposes only. Outstanding warrants on this page are updated frequently. Please note that warrants are continually being issued and cancelled 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Please check the time at the bottom of the warrant return page for the last update time.
All warrants should be verified through Waukomis Municipal Court, 580-758-3242, during normal business hours of Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Only law enforcement officers may make an arrest based on a warrant. Citizens cannot serve warrants.
The fact that a warrant is listed on this page does not mean that Waukomis will extradite the offender. Please contact Waukomis Police Department for additional information at 580-758-3242.
If you feel a warrant is listed in error please contact the municipal court clerk.